JHipster release 1.8.1 パーマリンク to "JHipster release 1.8.1"

JHipster gives you Spring Boot + AngularJS working together in one handy Yeoman generator.

What’s new パーマリンク to "What’s new"

This is a quick release to solve critical issue #747, for people using JDK 7 (not just selecting the “JDK 7” option when building, but actually running the generated application with JDK 7).

By the way, JDK 7 will be “end of life’d” in April, 2015, so we will probably drop support for it in a few months.

How to upgrade パーマリンク to "How to upgrade"

Update your version of JHipster with:

npm update -g generator-jhipster

And then you can update your project when you run again

yo jhipster

Help and bugs パーマリンク to "Help and bugs"

If you find any issue with this release, don’t hesitate to: