Common ports

JHipster configures many tools and services, and each of them will likely use one or several ports. Here is a documentation to help understand what each port does, and help in case of a port conflict.

Please note that as per the JHipster Policy 1, the standard port for each technology is used, unless that causes a problem (that should be explained here).

The ports here are listed in order, but the most common questions are for ports 8080, 9000 and 9060.

Port Description
80 Traefik HTTP entrypoint
2181 Zookeeper (used with Kafka)
3000 Grafana
3306 MySQL and MariaDB
5000 Logstash
5432 PostgreSQL
5601 JHipster Console (based on Kibana)
5701 Hazelcast
8080 JHipster application back-end development port (Spring Boot server) / Traefik admin UI
8081 JHipster microservice default port
8091 Couchbase - Web administration port
8092 Couchbase - API port
8093 Couchbase - used by query services for REST/HTTP traffic
8301 Consul - serflan-tcp and serflan-udp
8302 Consul - serfwan-tcp and serfwan-udp
8300 Consul - server
8400 Consul - RPC
8500 Consul - HTTP port with the Web UI
8600 Consul - DNS
8761 JHipster Registry (Netflix Eureka)
9000 JHipster front-end development port with BrowserSync
9042 Cassandra - CQL
9060 JHipster front-end development port with Webpack hot-reload
9090 Prometheus
9092 Kafka
9093 Prometheus alert manager
9160 Cassandra - Thrift
9200 Elasticsearch - HTTP connections (REST API)
9300 Elasticsearch - transport connections (native API)
9411 Zipkin
11210 Couchbase - Internal/external bucket port
18080 H2 (embedded database) running inside a monolith. Default port is normally 9092 but this would cause a conflict with Kafka, so it is fixed as "1" + "Spring Boot port"
18081 H2 (embedded database) running inside a microservice. See line above for more information
27017 MongoDB